Episode 17: Happy Earth Day! 9 Reasons Cleaner Skincare is a Win-Win for You and the Planet


(00:00.206) you (00:11.822) It's Amy from California. Hi, this is Andee from the Midwest. I'm from Minnesota. It's Earth Day 2024 and we're wondering why our listeners should even consider making a switch to cleaner skincare products. I mean, how could that actually create change and a positive impact on the Earth? The answer lies in the intersection of health, sustainability and beauty. Stay tuned for essential insights as we uncover the transformative benefits of eco -friendly skincare solutions that are better for you and the planet. Well, happy birthday. Happy birthday. It's kind of like the Earth's birthday. There should be a song. There should be a song for Earth Day. And I think... Happy birthday to you. Exactly. Well, I was going to sing, but I realized I think it's like one of the most tonally challenged. Is that a word? songs to ever sing. Like if you get five people in the room, everyone's singing on a different key for happy birthday, which makes it one of the best and one of the worst songs to sing in the world. That's just my... And I'm also completely totally challenged. I have the worst voice ever. You all just got to experience. Love it. OK, so it is Earth Day. Amy, tell me what are you doing to celebrate today? Well, yesterday I had an awesome event where I invited and encouraged my clients to bring... any of their empty personal care product jars, containers, or even if they still had product in them and I would recycle them responsibly for them. So I sort of kicked off Earth Day a day early yesterday with that. And then today, one of my favorite things to do on Earth Day is to use a lot of my empty containers. They don't have to just be personal care products. They could be, my husband had this really cool jar that he had a tea in and I like to plant succulents in those jars and containers and then I deliver them to my neighbors. So it's kind of like an early May day. where we used to leave flowers on our neighbors' doorsteps when we were kids. So that's something that I am doing today. What about you, Andee? You're so sweet. I want to be one of your neighbors one day. I'll mail you one. Thank you. I appreciate it. Let's see. What am I doing to celebrate Earth Day? I don't know. I'm bringing my own cup to Starbucks for that Starbucks discount and for that minty strawberry acai refresher made with lemonade, light ice, and a scoop of lavender powder. Just kidding. (02:23.822) That's my sixth graders order. Like it is unreal the amount of things that they that they need to save to get their order in. But in all seriousness, I am actually going to be making a donation to 8 billion trees. That's an organization that I donate to every single year. I'll actually have done for the last five years. And with just twenty dollars, you are planting ten trees. I'm going to link that in the show notes today because eight billion trees is such a fantastic, fantastic organization. Yeah, that's incredible. I'll be checking them out. I have not heard of them. Ten, ten trees for twenty bucks. What a deal. What a deal. That is the best gift from Mother Earth ever. Well, welcome everybody to our special Earth Day episode where we are exploring the transformative benefits of eco -friendly skincare. Today, we're going to delve into the science -backed reasons why making the switch to cleaner products isn't just a trend, but a powerful choice for your health and for our environment. And Amy, it's not all about making these big, monstrous changes. It's just about making small changes every single day that actually add up to a big impact. So let's just break it down. We're going to take you through nine reasons why switching to cleaner, safer beauty is not only good for you, but it's also good for planet earth. So as Amy's been talking about, okay, one, let's just be friendly to our environment. We know currently that conventional beauty products contribute significantly to water pollution and carbon emissions. So switching to clean beauty brands that are perhaps B Corps that are putting people in planet over profit, that actually reduces our environmental footprint. And just by using those sustainable ingredients and I say eco -friendly because I'm from the Midwest and those eco -friendly packaging, it's something that you're doing every day, Amy. It's something you're doing every single day, but that makes a really big impact over time. And of course, We love to reference all of our studies from the Environmental Working Group or the EWG, just conventional beauty products as we talk about the mass beauty products, right? We know by now after decades and decades of research that they contain chemicals linked to hormone disruption, allergies, certain cancers, and the new, it's not a trend, but the way that the beauty industry is moving into the cleaner, safer space, the goal is ultimately to eliminate these harmful ingredients, making it safer for your health. This is something that brands have to do independently because there's currently... (04:38.478) very little regulation over that industry in the United States. And, you know, ultimately we're here to live healthier and happier lives. Your skin is your largest organ of your body. And so those clean and safer beauty products that are formulated with botanical extracts, vitamins, those promote healthier and more radiant skin, but they're also making that shield that covers your most vital organs stronger over time. I love that. I want... healthier and more radiant skin. And then another benefit is, believe it or not, switching to cleaner beauty is cost effective. I know we said we're going to talk about this in the future as well, but sometimes you hear, oh, but clean beauty is so expensive. But a study by Mintel reveals that although some clean beauty products may have a higher initial cost, they often last longer due to their concentrated formulas. So this makes them more cost effective in the long run compared to conventional products. So that's awesome. And then if they last longer, you're buying less of them. There's less stuff to recycle and get rid of down the road. So it's a huge benefit to the earth as well. A fifth reason is that clean beauty products are packed with essential nutrients. They're rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins that nourish your skin. A research from the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology Highlights of benefits ingredients like vitamin C and hyaluronic acid for skin health, which we've talked about those vitamin C being my most favorite ingredient for clean beauty for all kinds of beauty. And then finally, or not finally, number six, easier on the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends clean beauty products for individuals with sensitive skin or conditions like eczema, rosacea, certain allergies, gentle formulations that you find in cleaner products reduce the risk of irritation and allergic reactions, which is a huge, huge benefit. to all of us. Well, and again, you're buying less, right? I think the one thing that we, you know, as men, women, families, just like the most is you buy a product that's on the shelves. It doesn't work in the trash. It goes in the landfill. It goes and you try, try, try, try, try until you find something that isn't, you know, for your sensitive skin that isn't exacerbating some of those issues and concerns. Again, think about again, the research that goes behind these brands, ingredient safety behind it. If you can get one product that works for your sensitive skin, stick with it, stick with it and see those results. (06:47.886) I always go back to the bunnies and the deer and all the wonderful things. Cruelty free is something that we strongly, Amy and I strongly, strongly believe in. And in fact, we choose not only to seek out brands that are cruelty free, but that are also leaping bunny certified. So organizations like Leaping Bunny and PETA, choosing those products, you know that you're supporting ethical practices and animal welfare. So I think that becomes more and more important to these younger generations. And we're seeing it more and more in now just cosmetic advertising in general. And just like we were talking about before, for those who have sensitive skin, again, getting back to a reduced chance of side effects. So when you're reducing and removing the parabens and the phthalates and the formaldehyde releasers, and by the way, you're never going to see the word formaldehyde on an ingredient list. They hide under different labels and terms. So like 1 ,4 -dioxane, you know, it's like you have to know a clean beauty resource or advocate like Amy and I to help you navigate those labels, because again, no manufacturer is going to... boldly say, hey, I put formaldehyde as a preservative in this product. That's actually something that Amy and I are going to Washington to help change as well. And lastly, just on that note, Clean Beauty is changing the industry standards. We are so woefully behind Canada and the and the EU. It really, as we've said a long time ago, it's up to us to lead a grassroots movement. It's up to us as consumers to use our purchasing power to send a message. The Clean Beauty movements. new movement in general, it challenges the rest of the industry to elevate their standards and prioritize consumer safety over profit. And again, that's why we have this platform. That's why we are using our voice and sharing these nine reasons with you. Wow, Andee. Well, those are some very compelling. If I hadn't already made the switch, I would be doing it right away. I'd be reaching out to you to figure out how to start. Um, it's really not just as you guys have all heard informed choices that ben and the planet. That's ju all we're coming here to saying by choosing clean beauty beauty. We're not only pr but we're also advocating and transparent beauty ind (09:00.078) When we say we want to hear from you, we really mean it. Follow us on Instagram at Coast To The Heart. And if you're enjoying this episode, please subscribe, rate, review, and share. When you do this, you're amplifying our voice and our mission is spread far and wide. Now back to the episode. Let's delve deeper into each of these nine reasons that we just mentioned, starting with how clean beauty is environmentally friendly. Did you know that the beauty industry produces over 120 billion units of packaging every year, much of which ends up in the landfills or the oceans? Amy, and again, we're close to the heart. You are living on the ocean. I am living in the land of actually 11 ,000 lakes. It's really important for us to take care of our oceans and our aquatic systems. It's a staggering statistic. Clean Beauty brands are just taking those steps to reduce their environmental impact. Again, those reasons and the ways that they're doing that is using recyclable or biodegradable or compostable packaging. Companies like Beauty Counter use glass jars for their products, post -consumer recycled resin caps, covers. producing superfluous packaging like the box within a box, like a box, like a nesting doll. We don't do that kind of stuff because again, we know it has an impact on the environment. Absolutely. Those are great examples, Andee. Plus clean beauty ingredients are often sourced sustainably supporting ethical farming practices and biodiversity. And that's really a win -win for both our skin and the planet. I agree. And so let's just break it down a little bit further. Let's talk about why actually clean beauty is safer for you. I want to make sure that we make that distinction. Clean doesn't always mean safe. And so we like to talk about doing a little bit better, a little bit cleaner, a little bit safer. And ultimately it's about safe versus clean, which is where we're going. And especially what the environmental working group and their skin deep database backs up. (10:57.198) It provides valuable information about the safety of ingredients and personal care products, also your household cleaning products, foods, et cetera. It's a trusted third party resource and many conventional brands, mass market, mass beauty brands are listed there and it's objectively rated as, you know, if they're potentially hazardous. if they're safe for human idea is that you're going there yourself. You have those t at your hands and you ac the reasons why the ingred of concern. It's not just like Amy or I are asking them. It's actually shar the potential risks might resource and I love that t which makes it so easy whe and you're not sure about You can actually scan fro healthy living the product and it will give you a safety rating. And not only that, but it breaks the product down by ingredient. So we're talking a lot about ingredient safety. Even the least clean of products has some clean ingredients in it. It's just where's the balance? How many of those are clean versus how many are not clean? So I love that as a tool to really inform you and let you make a really educated decision based on the ingredients and the safety rating that each one gets. And speaking of ingredients, Clean Beauty brands are transparent about their ingredient list. So, you if you're looking at a clean beauty item on the packaging, it will list every single item. Now, that isn't always the case with a lot of other products, but the EWG database will break those products down even if they don't list it on their packaging. So you can make a more informed choice and avoid harmful chemicals like parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, phthalates, PFAS, all kinds of stuff that you definitely do not want in your products on your stand or ultimately in our oceans. Absolutely. So now that we're talking about transparency and ingredients and why that is a motivating and compelling reason to switch to clean beauty, we want to see those results, right? We want to see those receipts. I'm trying to pretend like I can talk like my Gen Z kiddos. They're going to just cancel me after hearing me say receipts. But anyway. (12:58.926) So we want to see those receipts for all of this clean beauty that we are applying to our body. The Journal of Clinical Aesthetic Dermatology really talks about that quite a bit. And, you know, we focus on natural ingredients like aloe vera, shea butter, jojoba oils, or jojoba bead esters. Esters is a really nice way of saying like popping bubbles, boba bubbles, but really just depositing moisture in your skin over time. That's not something that mass brands often offer you. Say that five times fast, but... It's finding safer alternatives for ingredients that have been used for the last 10, 20, 30, 80, 90 years and using modern innovation to actually create ingredients that are going to nourish and hydrate the skin. If you have goals like reducing inflammation or that glowing complexion that Amy said she wanted, you really need to choose brands that, again, are not hiding behind labels, are not hiding behind green washing, are really being completely transparent with you. And to that point, clean beauty products are often free from. common allergens and irritants, making them suitable for sensitive skin types. I would say more of my clients than not have sensitive skin. And unfortunately, a lot of the ingredients in the products that promise to soothe the irritated skin or calm irritated skin, those ingredients are actually irritating the skin even more. They're stripping the skin's natural moisture barrier. They're doing the opposite of what they're promising, which is so frustrating. So you kind of, you get what you asked for with Clean Beauty products. that they are nourishing, they're not stripping your skin's moisture barrier, and they're really helping give you that glowing skin that's healthy. And studies have shown that minimizing exposure to potential allergens can improve skin conditions like eczema and dermatitis and rosacea and those kinds of things. So avoiding those ingredients is going to be a home run in a lot of ways. And I think that home run again is learning the difference. We're not doctors, we're not dermatologists, but the number one product, to treat eczema often always includes petrolatum as an ingredient. Petrolatum is a derivative of petroleum. Not only is it a drying agent, but it has those links back to actual direct carcinogens. So when you're putting a product, an ointment, a balm, and I'm just throwing those out there so you can imagine the texture and the viscosity of this product on skin conditions like rosacea or eczema, (15:16.686) It's actually going to have the reverse effect. It's going to soften the external dermis of your skin, that external layer. It's going to make it soft. That's what it does, but it's not going to heal. And that's, that's again, the misperception that clean beauty brands, there are alternatives out there like those shea butters and jojoba butters that we've talked about that have those equal effects with better results. So, The one thing, you know, now, okay, we've gotten on the rabbit hole about ingredient transparency. We've gotten down the ingredient rabbit hole of efficacy, but let's actually, we're going to go really deep into this in a future episode, but let's talk about the misconception that all clean beauty is expensive. You know, and Amy talked about this a little bit by, by really talking about the higher upfront cost. Yeah. As consumers, we're voting with our dollars and we are paying for the investment in science. We are paying for the investment in sustainability. I get that. That is a privilege that I have to choose cleaner beauty at that higher price point. But again, as we said, it's going to last longer. It's reducing your need for multiple products that are not working. And that has been confirmed by the Journal of Consumer Marketing. This is not something that, you know, we're saying, oh, just give it a try because it's going to last longer. We're saying again, the amount of repeat purchases goes down in the clean beauty category. That is not if you're in the clean beauty. business like Amy and I, that doesn't sound great, but honestly it does. It makes me feel wonderful to know that people are using less and contributing less to the earth and to the landfill unnecessarily. Investing in high quality, clean beauty products can actually save you money in the long run because you're getting more value and efficacy for use. Yeah, definitely, definitely. And I think just going back, we've talked about nutrients. Amy's talked about vitamin C. She's talked about you know, green tree extract, all these things that were name dropping, all these ingredients, it's about protection against free radicals. That is when we talk about environmental toxins, all of those things that are damaging your skin cells unknowingly throughout the day that you don't see that are floating in the air. That's again, going back into why you want to choose a brand that's going into the ingredients and the science behind them. (17:15.598) Another favorite, I know I said vitamin C was my favorite, but another favorite ingredient, clean ingredient, is hyaluronic acid. And that is actually something our skin naturally produces, but as with a lot of things, collagen and others, we start to produce less as we get older. So that is something you guys, you wanna look for in all of your products. Now remember, just because a product has hyaluronic acid in it, which is a clean ingredient, it doesn't mean the whole product is clean. So you wanna, like we've been talking about, look at that entire ingredient list. But recent research published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology has shown that hyaluronic acid, which is a very common ingredient, as we mentioned, is very effective at helping us retain moisture in our skin. Basically, what hyaluronic acid does is it draws moisture to the skin surface and visibly pumps the skin and gives our skin a more youthful appearance. So that's definitely an ingredient you want to look for. And I'm just going to say, because I'm the mom of a teen and tween, it is the buzziest ingredient right now in all skin care. So again, take out that app, scan that product, just make sure just because it says hyaluronic acid on it, that it's not then laden with all these other ingredients of concern. And by the way, like Amy said, we produce hyaluronic acid naturally in our body up until a certain point. So all of my little eight, 10, 12 year olds, girl, girl, girl, you don't need that hyaluronic acid. Save that for your mom, your aunt, your sister, that mother figure in your life. You don't need that yet. It's all good. And I think again, we going back to that younger generation, again, we're just diving deeper into these nine topics that we listed right out in the beginning. You have the bunnies. I've said this before, the bunny and the deer and the mice. We don't have to do that anymore. We don't have to test on living creatures. We can actually go to the cellular level to test products and ingredients. We don't actually have to harm a life. The Humane Society International reports that over 500 ,000 animals are used annually in cosmetic testing worldwide. We don't need to do that anymore. Again, this is 2024. So when you support clean beauty brands that are actually certified cruelty free or leaping bunny certified, that is you making a statement and advocating for ethical and compassionate practices. Absolutely. We, especially as you mentioned, the younger generation, we are becoming more and more conscious of the impact that these purchases have on animal warfare. And we want to keep those animals and bunnies and all the others, you know, happy and free from the labs. (19:27.726) And another thing to think, we've talked about Leaping Bunny certified and cruelty free companies, but don't forget you guys, we've talked about this in the past too, is our wonderful certified B -Cores. Those B -Corporation companies are committed to people and the planet before profit. And being cruelty free is just one tiny aspect of being eligible to be a certified B -Core. So if you shop certified B -Cores, you are definitely in a good, clean space. I agree. And I think, again, you just said it, placing equal focus on people, planet and profit. If your values in your home, what you buy for maybe your food's organic, maybe it's less than organic. But if you prioritize health and wellness in other areas of your life, maybe you like to go for a walk every single day, maybe you like to ride a bike, just again, consider clean beauty as another way that you are prioritizing your health and your wellness. getting all of those ingredients, you know, again, thinking of your family might have sensitive skin allergies. Think of your neighbors. If you were a teacher, think of your classmates and the children in your classrooms. If you are aware of people who have these health conditions, just be considerate of what you're putting on your body and how that might impact them as well. As we have said a few times already, avoiding harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, the company we work for has 2 ,800 ingredients that we'll never formulate with. The EU has 1 ,400. They never will. formulate with or it's ill keep those in mind becaus make a huge difference for and also the earth. Well, clean beauty is not a mo and it's challenging the i standards and practices. better. We can make better we can be at the standa and of the EU, but we al And speaking of doing that together, Andee and I, I know you've heard us talk a few times about being in DC, but that's coming up very shortly. So we will be using our voices and amplifying your voices through us in Washington, DC in a couple of weeks, lobbying for cleaner beauty. We've got a couple of bills that we're looking for support on. We were very successful two years ago in helping encourage Congress to pay attention to this topic and help pass MoCRA. So we are confident that our voices will make a difference again this year. (21:37.358) and we're looking forward to that. And what a great way to kind of wrap up Earth month and roll into doing some in -person lobbying. Absolutely. I mean, that is what we, that's what brings me joy. Like that lights my fire by raising awareness and demanding those safer, cleaner products. That's giving you, me, our families, the power to drive positive change and creating a more healthy and safer lifestyle for many generations to come. And we want to encourage you all to do the same, you know, make a conscious choice that benefits you and the Earth. plant a succulent today, make a donation to plant some more trees, bring your reusable cup to Starbucks, whatever that is for you, we appreciate it, the earth appreciates it, and every day really should be Earth Day, but it's so nice to be able to remind our listeners and ourselves during this Earth Day or this Earth Month that there is a lot we can do. You got it. Whether it's switching to clean beauty products or just supporting eco -friendly initiatives or advocating for health protective laws, Every action counts toward a cleaner and healthier future. Yay. Thanks for joining us today, you guys. Happy Earth Day. And until next time, stay beautiful and Earth conscious. Take care, everyone. Bye for now.

It's Earth Day 2024 and we're wondering why our listeners should even consider making the switch to cleaner skincare products...how could that change create a positive impact on the Earth?

The answer lies in the intersection of health, sustainability, and beauty. By making the switch to cleaner skincare products, you are not only taking care of your health but also making a positive contribution to the Earth. It's a small change that can have a big impact when multiplied by the collective efforts of individuals who value sustainability and the well-being of our planet. Stay tuned for essential insights as we uncover the transformative benefits of eco-friendly skincare solutions that are better for you and the planet.

Episode Links:

8 Billion Trees: https://8billiontrees.com/

Environmental Working Group: https://www.ewg.org/

Episode Credits:

Production: Keely Marlowe

Editing and Mixing : Evan Marlowe 

Coast to the Heart is a proud podcasting member of the ⁠⁠⁠⁠Northern Roots Media⁠⁠⁠⁠ Podcast Network.

Follow Aimee at: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/wonderaimchange⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Follow Andee at: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/becounterforgood/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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Podcast Music: Peppermint-Infraction

⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Youtube Link To The Video⁠⁠


Episode 16: That’s rubbish! How to give un-recyclable beauty packaging a second life.